Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2-step equations in Math 7, 2nd Q

Chrissy Nordmark made the following observation, and she is correct in what she noticed.

"I noticed that there is a 2-step problem on the Math 7 midterm, yet 2-step problems are not on the curriculum? Are we supposed to teach 2-step problems?"

So now the question is this – should we fix the curriculum to include 2-step equations, or should we fix the exam to exclude 2-step equations? I can make this decision myself, but I would prefer that a consensus be reached among the teachers of math 7. Your input is appreciated. The changes would not take effect until next year.



SamElias said...

Posted by Sam on behalf of Greg Jones:
"Fix the exam. Two step should not be addressed until 8th grade. Spend extra time mastering one step."

SamElias said...

Posted on behalf of Alan Sowa by Sam:
"I’ll update the blog, but I’ve always thought that there should be at least two step equations in math 7. They get enough one step work in elementary."

Amanda Jez said...

I think that they should learn the two step equations.

AMS said...

The 2-step equations should be in the curriculum. I believe originally we had that, but it never ended up in the curriculum. It is a small step to extend to multiple steps, since they see that in 6th grade, though not in detail.