Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Embedded Learning - share with ALL the study groups here

Although we have the opportunity to share online with our study groups and in person with the groups within our own schools, we rarely get a chance to help each other as a department. Feel free to type and/or paste any insights or comments you have regarding the Embedded Learning course in this post. I suggest you label your comments specifically to save your colleagues time. For example, "Some thoughts on the Student Thinking Patterns discussion" or "Help needed for Unit 3 sync point discussion" would be helpful.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

7th and 8th grade calculator use

Calculator use in 7th and 8th grade is a very hot topic right now. We somehow have to strike a balance between what we know is best for the mathematical development of our students with their performance on the 7th and 8th grade PSSA tests. I will post some of the discussion that has already occurred on this issue. Furthermore, here is a little light reading that is related to the discussion:

Algebra 2 -- CP Geom flip-flop

I have heard for years that we should "fix" our course sequence regarding CP Geometry and Algebra II. The sequence was originally chosen to cater to non-advanced CP students who would be taken the SAT once in the middle of their junior year. With our current sequence, these students would have completed geometry before their SAT test. This is not the concern it once was, since students have many chances to take the SAT -- as late as the fall of their senior year if they want. There are several things for us to consider here: PSSA preparation, SAT prep, How does a switch affect Trig/Alg III? How does the switch affect Alg II? How does the switch affect CP Geom? Are CP Geom teachers willing to teach Alg II for one year (during the transition)? A lot to chew on... Start grazing!

Graphing Calculator policy

Although most teachers assign graphing calculators as if they were books, not all do. A policy regarding this is coming. If you have any suggestions for such a policy, please post them here. Thanks -- Sam.

Feedback on PSSA administration...

The PSSA testing schedule was a little different this year than in the past. Please post what worked, what didn't work or suggestions for next year. Thanks -- Sam.

CP Geometry Midterm and Ch.5

It has been suggested to me that the CP Geom midterm only include Units 1-4 next year. If any of you would like to weigh in on the subject, post a comment here. I will paste the emails that have been sent to me earlier in the year on the subject with their authors.