Tuesday, April 8, 2008

CP Geometry Midterm and Ch.5

It has been suggested to me that the CP Geom midterm only include Units 1-4 next year. If any of you would like to weigh in on the subject, post a comment here. I will paste the emails that have been sent to me earlier in the year on the subject with their authors.


SamElias said...

This one is from Katie Meluskey at MHS: I think that would be a good idea- I had to rush in a couple of concepts a couple days before the exam so they could do some of the problems from chapter 5.

SamElias said...

This is from Mary Krolewski:
That sounds good to me.

SamElias said...

Here's an email from Jenn Prusinski:
I agree!! It is so hard to try to get in that last chapter before the test.

SamElias said...

A comment from Tresa Malligo:

I agree. It is hard to get through the curriculum to include unit 5.

SamElias said...

This one is from Chrissy Nordmark at GAR:

I wouldn’t mind to see the curriculum altered a little as well. If you look at the 4th quarter, a lot of it is perimeter, area, circumference, volume, etc. not too challenging and not to difficult to cover in a short amount of time. I always get through the entire curriculum by the end of the year but just a little later with the 2nd quarter items then it states on the curriculum. By the time the final comes around all the curriculum has been covered so I guess it really wouldn’t matter one way or the other really.

SamElias said...

Also from Chrissy Nordmark:

I like this idea. Right now it includes Chapter 5 and although I will get to that shortly, I never seem to get that far by the midterm exams. I feel that I go at a pretty good pace and only get to Chapter 4.4 before the midterms a big reason for this is all of the algebra that we have to cover in the beginning of the year.

SamElias said...

Next year's midterm will include ONLY units 1 through 4. You should still try to cover unit 1 to 5, however (no curriculum change). Unit 5 will be assessed on the final exam.